Trubicar Banner 1

Construction and Maintenance Signs

These signs are usually orange, diamond-shaped with a black border and black letters or symbols. These signs warn drivers of unusual temporary road work such as construction zones and lane closures.

Trubicars Traffic Control Person Ahead
Traffic Control Person Ahead* Be Prepared To Top For Instructions
Trubicars Survey Crew Ahead
Survey Crew Ahead*
Trubicars Workers Present
Highway workers*

*The presence of one of the above three signs designates the start of the work zone. The Highway workers sign may or may not have a WORKERS PRESENT tab as illustrated. In the work zone drivers must slow to the posted speed through the entire zone and 60 km/h or less when passing a worker, flag person or equipment occupied by a worker. Some cities have bylaws requiring drivers to obey work zone speed limits through the entire construction area. Please be familiar with the bylaws in your area.

Trubicars Truck entrance left right
Truck Entrance Left/Right
Trubicars Overhead Lines
Be Prepared To Stop If You Are Driving A Vehicle With A High Load
Trubicars Construction Ahead
Construction Ahead This Sign Indicates You Are Entering A Construction Zone. Drive With Extra Caution And Be Prepared For Changes In The Speed Limit
Trubicars Be Prepared to Stop
Be Prepared to Stop
Trubicars Pavement Drop Off
Pavement Drop Off

This sign warns motorists that they are on or approaching a section of roadway where either the adjacent lane or shoulder or both are lower or higher than the motorist’s travel lane

Trubicars Follow Detour Marker

Follow detour marker until you return to regular route.

Trubicars Road Work Ahead

Construction work one kilometer ahead.

Trubicars Temporarily Detour From Normal Traffic Route
Temporarily Detour From Normal Traffic Route
Trubicars Flashing Lights On The Arrows Show The Direction To Follow
Flashing Lights On The Arrows Show The Direction To Follow
Trubicars Pavement has been milled or grooved.

Pavement has been milled or grooved. Your vehicle’s stopping ability may be affected so obey the speed limit and drive with extra caution. Motorcyclists may experience reduced traction on these surfaces.

Trubicars Lane ahead is closed for roadwork.

Lane ahead is closed for roadwork. Obey the speed limit and merge with traffic in the open lane.

Trubicars Closed lane

Closed lane. Adjust speed to merge with traffic in lane indicated by arrow.

Trubicars Do Not Pass The Pilot Vehicle

Do not pass the pilot vehicle or pace vehicle bearing this sign.

Trubicars Reduce Speed

Reduce speed and be prepared to stop.

Trubicars Construction Zone Begins

You are entering a construction zone. Drive with extra caution and be prepared for a lower speed limit.

Trubicars Enforce Doubling the HTA Fines

Enforces doubling the HTA fines for speeding in a designated construction zone when there are workers present.